Harper Pitworks Commercial builds
As the foremost builder of commercial smokers on the west coast, we at Harper PitWorks have lead the way with California’s strict rules on offset smokers for commercial use. Working alongside Danny Castillo of Heritage Barbecue, Wyatt Fields of Breakwater Barbecue, and Matt Horn of Horn Barbecue, we have been able to achieve the first smokers to be labeled under ANSI 51 standards in the state of California.
With close relationships with Danny, his pit masters, and numerous notable pop ups we have dialed in our designs and certification process to offer a premier product that does not cut corners. We work hard to overbuild our trailers, source top of the line components, and apply a mid century eye for aesthetics.
Currently we are offering 250, 500 and 1000 gallon commercial smokers on casters, skids or trailers. All of these sizes may be purchased with or without the ANSI 51 label (all smokers on skids or casters must be labeled by a third party once installed in its final location). For information on the certification process, available features, and pricing feel free to reach out to us. Shipping is available throughout the US or available for local pick up.
Native Sons BBQ @nativesonsbbq
Republic Craft Barbecue @republicue_
Helberg Barbecue (Texas Monthly Top 50 BBQ Joint) @helbergbarbecue
Priedite Barbecue @Prieditebarbecue
Highland Park BBQ @highlandparkbbq
Midnight Craft Barbecue @midnightcraftbarbecue
Breakwater Barbecue @breakwaterbarbecue
Johnnys Barbecue @johnnysbarbeque
Le Comptoir LA / Gary Menes (Michelin Star) @garymenes @lecomptoirla
Against The Grain Barbecue @atgbbq
Outlier Barbeque @outlierbbq
Pizza Port Brewing @pizzaportbrewingco @aubusurf
Neighbors Barbecue @neighbors_barbecue
Harp Barbecue (Voted Best Barbecue in Kansas City by KC Mag) @harpbarbecue
Chivo’s Backyard BBQ @chivos_backyard_bbq
Ragged Tooth Barbecue @raggedtoothbarbecue
Holy Trinity Barbecue @holytrinitybarbecue
Heritage Barbecue (Michelin Bib Gourmand) @heritagebarbecue
Moo’s Craft Barbecue @mooscraftbarbecue
White Oak Barbecue @whiteoakbarbecue
West Coast Prime Meats @wcprimemeats
Horn Barbecue (Michelin Bib Gourmand) @hornbarbecue
Badlands BBQ @badlands_bbq
Chiquo and Eva’s Island BBQ @chiquoevabbq
Clarin Family Barbecue @clarinfamilybbq
Ruff House Barbecue @ruff_house_bbq
Namasteak @namasteaklife
Back Alley BBQ @backalleybbqpdx
Eloisa’s BBQ @eloisas_bbq
Baby’s Barbecue @babysbarbecue
Riip Beer Co. @riipbeer
Street Tawa BBQ @streettawabbq
Orange Pig Smokehouse @orangepigsmokehouse
Justified BBQ @justifiedbbq
Hicken Boys BBQ @hickenboys_bbq